Empower your business with reports you can trust.

PowerTester is a test automation tool built specifically for Power BI.

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Test the accuracy of your Power BI reports. 

Leading companies and organisations use data to make informed and strategic business decisions every day. They need to know that the data they are basing those decisions on is correct.

PowerTester ensures that the data provided in Power BI reports is consistently accurate and enables its users to spot any potential issues early on.

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Runs full suite regression in seconds to enable users to spot issues early.


Innovatively designed by experts in BI and testing. AI integrated test case creation.

Reduce costs

Rapid development of your Test Plans and continuous testing results in cost savings.


Secure from ground up. Nothing to install or patch.


Run tests in seconds not minutes

No more spending hours manually testing every report page. Run full report suite regression in seconds not hours.

Unlike other tools PowerTester does not use web drivers to test the reports. Therefore where other tools may take minutes to test one visual, PowerTester can do the same test in milliseconds.

Don't allow testing to become the bottleneck of development, use PowerTester and get instant feedback on the impact of any report change.


DevOps Integration

Integrate PowerTester into your CICD process with our suite of REST API

Bring testing into your report development cycle with PowerTester.

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How it works

Create connection

Enter source details & power bi details into PowerTester.

Create test case

Create test case with source query and power bi visual to test

Add test case to test plan

Add test cases to test plan manually or create a dynamic test plan

Execute test plan

Run test plan there and then or create a schedule to run

Why Use PowerTester

Stop taking risks with your data

PowerTester can test all your reports in seconds to be sure the business is getting the correct data.

Build Trust - Build business trust in your reports by using PowerTester to fully test every visual.​

Low Cost - Don’t spend thousands testing your reports, PowerTester is fast, easy and affordable.​

Secure - PowerTester is cloud native and built with security at its core.​

Are you sure you trust your data?

Proactively monitor your reports to ensure the decisions you make, are made on clean data.

Trust your reports​ -Ensure you are making decisions on trusted data.​

Low Cost - Don’t spend thousands testing your reports, PowerTester is fast, easy and affordable.​

Compliance​ - Don’t risk regulatory compliance on untested reporting.​

Bring report development into your SDLC process

PowerTester will allow you to integrate Power BI testing into your SDLC. Reduce the bugs in production by fully regression testing every change and improve report consumption/reputation.​

Find bugs early​​ -Find bugs early in development phases rather than by report consumers​

Secure​ - PowerTester is cloud native and built with security at its core.​

Reporting DevOps​​ -Bring report development in line with your other software development and DevOps processes.​

Are you inundated/ overloaded with testing requests you cannot attend to?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a 1,000 testers at your disposable… instantly?​

​Do you have a 1,000 testers at your disposable? Do you have enough benchstrength to test? 

PowerTester can easily automate your Power BI testing. No need to build or configure complicated infrastructure, test all your reports with simple SQL scripts.

Fast -PowerTester can fully regression reports in seconds not hours.​

Easy​ - Write tests using SQL, no complicated testing infrastructure.​

Automated​​​ -Don’t rely on manual testing, use PowerTester to fully regression test all changes.​

Start building trust in your reports today

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